Date of the meeting

10-13 May 2006


Preliminary registration: 1 September 2005
Dispatch of the second circular by December 2005
Abstract submission: 6 January 2006
Final Registration: 1 March 2006
Room Reservation: 1 March 2006


European Cultural Centre of Delphi (ECCD), Greece

Host Institute

Department of Experimental Pharmacology, Medical School, University of Athens, Greece

Contact details

Dr. Catherine Tiligada
35th EHRS Meeting
Department of Experimental Pharmacology, Medical School, University of Athens, M. Asias 75, GR-11527 Athens, GREECE
Tel No: +30 2107462575, +30 2107462576, +30 2107462504
Fax No: +30 2107462554


President of the EHRS
Chairperson of the Meeting
Organising Committee

Professor Madeleine Ennis, The Queen's University of Belfast, UK
Dr Ekaterini Tiligada, University of Athens Medical School, Greece
Andreas Delitheos
Madeleine Ennis
Vassiliki Giannoulaki
Sotirios Kakavas
Zoe Papadopoulou-Daifoti
Christina Spyraki
Ekaterini Tiligada

Executive Assistants

Vassilios Delitheos
Konstantinos Papamichael
Evangelia Zampeli

Abstract Evaluation & Bursary Selection Committee

Madeleine Ennis (Chairperson)
Patrizio Blandina
Andras Falus
Tatjana Irman Florjanc
Pertti Panula
Gill Sturman
Anita Sydbom

The Art Hancock Young Investigator Award Jury

Walter Schunack (Chairman)
Timothy A Esbenshade
Pertti Panula

Poster Jury

Frank Ahrens (Chairman)
El-Sayed K Assem
Patrizio Blandina
Bernhard F Gibbs
Nina Grosman
Mariusz Gujski
Krisztina Hegyi
Zsuzsanna Huszti
Tatjana Irman-Florjanc
Emanuela Masini
Danuta Maślińska
Elena S Rivera
Elke Schneider
Holger Stark
Gill Sturman
Anita Sydbom

Oral sessions’ chairpersons

Marija Čarman-Kržan
Paul Chazot
Clemens Dahinden
Friedhelm Diel
Madeleine Ennis
Timothy Esbenshade
Franco Falcone
Agnieszka Fogel
Helmut L Haas
Pier Francesco Mannaioni
Pertti Panula
Zeta Papadopoulou-Daifoti
Fred L Pearce
Walter Schunack
Hubert Schwelberger
Catherine Tiligada


Evangelia Zampeli

Website construction

Vassilios Delitheos

Poster Design

Dimitrios Kourkoutis

Registration fees
(50 € added after 1 March 2006) included:
attendance of scientific sessions
conference documents and book of abstracts (except for accompanying persons)
transport from/to the airport with the EHRS shuttle bus
social events

Participants (members): 350 €
Participants (non-members): 450 €
Participants from industry: 450 €
Students: 250 € (requiring letter from supervisor)
Accompanying persons: 150 €

EHRS membership fee (obligatory for members)

Members < 30 years: 25 €
Members > 30 years: 50 €
Retired members: 25 €
Honorary members: Free


Offered on a BB basis for 4 nights at the following rates

E.C.C.D. Guest-house "EUROPE" 
Delphi Palace                                  
King Iniohos                                    

480 €
480 €
352 €
240 €

440 €
440 €
400 €
280 €

Cancellation policy

Cancellations for the conference were notified in writing.
Registration cancellations received before 3 April 2006 were subjected to an administrative charge of 50 EURO. No refund of registration fees was available for requests received after that date.
Accommodation cancellations received before 19 April 2006 were subjected to an administrative charge of 50 EURO. Cancellations received after that date were subjected to a charge of 50% of the total value of the accommodation package

The full programme is available in PDF format here